Transformative Growth for Women: Unlock Your Potential


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Daria Tiesler

Transformative and holistic growth for women is a topic of huge interest of mine.

I realised there is much opportunity in unlocking the potential of our female clients.  I decided to take the he challange.

Over years, I have observed a trend in mindset of all women, regardless of age: the deeply rooted issues of confidence and self-worth, often coupled with poor health, especially among women in their 40s and 50s plus. These issues have been affecting their relationships, careers, and their ability to perform at the level they desire.

Mantaining performance at work has been affected by the unknow symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause. Often these transition can exclude them from driving to senior positions later in carrer life. 

Transformative Solutions: Empowering Women in Life and Work

My personal journey of growth and inner drive led me to reflect upon the subject of transformative growth.  I wanted to develop a deeper understanding in overcoming the limiting beliefs I held about my ability to create a sustainable business I dreamt about. I wanted that my business not only benefit my customers but also enhance my own life. I have changed by thinking of myself with an integrity. It became a very profoud journey for me and my family.

Breaking Free From Myself

I was determined to break free from the exhausting path that had previously led me to burnout.  

I decided to choose my vision for a holistic life and personal over the past experiences. 

You are chooseing your thoughts. 

I sought an alternative route that would align more closely with my purpose. I wanted to embody my dreams. They have been ingrained in my mind for years. Life success has it a holistic meaning for me and many of our clients.

The concept of achievement and peak performance can often feel daunting. Often, viewed through the lens of femininity, as they are typically associated with masculine energy. Through my own personal experiences, I realise that I too embodied a significant amount of masculine energy and never considered myself particularly “feminine.”

However, this dominance of wounded masculine energy hindered my potential beyond athletic performance.

It was responsible for burnout on multiple occasions and made me feel ashamed of my dreams and accomplishments.

I work with women with similar struggles and it became clear that it was time to address this issue on the bigger scale.

I decided to make the transformative growth for women one of many goals for House of Holistic Performance. 

From perspective of highly performing women on transformative growth

High-performing women,  often fulfill roles as mothers, wives, cherished friends, and daughters, are seeking comprehensive, integrated wellness and transformative growth solutions for both their personal and professional lives. They are on a quest for holistic support and are eager to explore new avenues for their change and holistic success. 

I am one of those women, seeking myself for years. I realised one day ” she is here , within me”. 

Shifting Perspectives: Women as Agents of Change

When I talk about women’s holistic empowerment it does not stem from viewing women as weak and incapable. Rather, it arises from a commitment to supporting women journey towards redefining her life’s vision.

I utilising the term “empowerment” with a clear notion, one understands that applause or permission is unnecessary to empower her’s life. However, when there is a loss of identity, belonging, or confusion about which direction to take, I recognise the potential for supporting one’s path.

Women, often are seekers of approval and validation opposite to men. It arrived time to lift our confidence and validation form inside. 

As I came across a compelling sentence in an article by The Sunday Guardian: “The days of women as ‘homemakers’ have passed,” it instills a sense of ownership in women towards the nation, depicting them not as victims but as agents capable of reshaping the nation in their image.

My perspective is not espoused from a feminist standpoint.  As a mother  I desire to build a nurturing home for my family, while also cherishing my personal aspirations.

I know the path a I have choosen is very dynamic. However, I feel I am a better mother, wife and contributor while I connect to my personal path, more spiritual than ever before. 

Opportunities and Barriers: Navigatig the Path to Transformative Growth

The portrayal of women’s empowerment often revolves around gaining access to opportunities that were previously inaccessible. However, despite strides made, access to these opportunities remains constrained by political, financial, and economic barriers, marking a significant stride towards  fullfiling women’s full potential. 


Sharing this perspective stems from observing numerous women who, despite nurturing families, social circles, and friendships, express a sense of inability to live authentically .  Societal pressure and fear of judgment are a strong contributor limiting women’s potential for transformative growth.

For instance, instead of seeking support from their partners in managing household responsibilities, traditionally assigned to women, they often remain silent. They are pretending all is well, though it comes at the expense of their health and integrity.

A Call for Collaboration: Embracing Masculine Support in Empowerment

If as women we are to truly realise our potential, it’s crucial to acknowledge that we’ve never accomplished everything alone.  Historically, families and communites provided support. Equally important, men should be encouraged to express their nurturing and supportive sides. As an example, paternity leave is just one way to show the gentle change in the mindset of parenting.

The women’s transformative growth must encompass nurturing every aspect of a women life, not solely her participation in workforce.

It requires a conscious decision by women to pursue transformative growth and historical change in the family dynamics.  We need to recognise the importance of healing both feminine and masculine energies.

Prioritising Self-care: Women's Journey to Holistic Wellness

I personally couldn’t be happier upon reading the title in the press release from Euromonitor International: “Women are prioritising health and embracing holistic solutions to take charge of their well-being.” For me, and I suspect for many women, adopting a holistic approach to their own body and health signifies a fantastic step towards unlocking their potential.


Although much remains to be done to achieve this reality for every woman, it marks a promising beginning . It offers hope for a better future in women’s health areas that have never been properly embraced: menopause, peri-menopause, post-menopause, menstrual disregulation, and associated issues, including sexual health and mental well-being. Furthermore, education around the selection of nutritional and exercise planning tailored to women at different life stages is imperative.


As highlighted in the statement, “Vasomotor symptoms and repercussions on the genitourinary, endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous, tegumentary, and bone systems. There are also reflections on the optical, auditory, and gastrointestinal systems. Therefore, women’s health must be viewed holistically” (Women’s Health: A Holistic View), it is evident that a comprehensive perspective is essential in addressing women’s health needs.

Changing Perceptions: Women's Emergence in Male-Dominated Environment

At some point in my career, I worked in a highly male-dominated environment. The “gym environment” has historically been perceived as a male domain. Even today, there remains a noticeable absence of women on the gym floor engaging in weightlifting. However, over the past five years, this outdated perception has been gradually shifting.

Women are realising the benefits of hormonal health and body strenght for their confidence and resilience. Trust me testosterone is a hormone of not just men, but also an importnat health markers for vitality of every women.

Testosterone and Estrogen Combo

Reflecting on my experiences amidst driven men on the gym floor, I can attest to several observations:


Firstly, there exists a strong sense of mutual support regardless of circumstances.


Secondly, the direct and straightforward communication style prevalent in such environments often minimises conflicts and misunderstandings.


Additionally, the drive to improve oneself is celebrated rather than frowned upon.


While qualifications are valued, they are not the sole determinant of progression.

I am writing from a place of deeper potential where ego desolves.

Standing up for yourself either in the male or female driven setting still needs you to be brave for your own authenticity. No time to blame history but time to growth the mindset of women potential.


I have also noticed a cultural shift towards a more inclusive and supportive environment for women. The transformation is primarily driven by women advocating for themselves as equals in the workplace.


When discussing a holistic approach to women in the workplace, it is imperative to recognise that their journey involves continuous growth, rather than solely focusing on perceived injustices. While discrimination towards higher positions is a reality acknowledged by many,  women seizing higher opportunities with the belief in their potential to reach the top. Their success comes from determination and commitment raather then just luck.


Indeed, the journey for women in their careers may be longer and more challenging. Factors such as taking breaks for childbirth,   menstural problems, depression or experiencing burnout and menopause can hinder their ability to fully realise their potential.

Women Workplace: Inclusive and Supportive

I have also noticed a cultural shift towards a more inclusive and supportive environment for women, which takes into account their health and family needs, including maternity leave and support. This transformation is primarily driven by women advocating for themselves as equals in the workplace.


When discussing a holistic approach to women in the workplace, it is imperative to recognise that their journey involves continuous growth, rather than solely focusing on perceived injustices. While discrimination towards higher positions is a reality acknowledged by many, I have also witnessed women seizing opportunities with the belief in their potential to reach the top, rather than merely attributing their success to luck.


Indeed, the journey for women in their careers may be longer and more challenging. Factors such as taking breaks for childbirth,   menstural problems, depression or experiencing burnout and menopausal symptoms in midlife can hinder their ability to fully realise their potential.

Finding Your Voice: Empowering Women to Shine and Share

My intention is to ensure this article doesn’t come across as apolitical or as subscribing to a single ideology – neither leaning left nor right.

Instead, I aspire for it to foster an open-minded conversation about the lifelong journey of a women potential. At House of Holistic Performance we strive to support  their vision and acknowlege to remain true and authentic to their choices.

In my professional and personal path, I consistently seek to embrace a holistic perspective, aiming to broaden the horizons of women with whom I collaborate and work. 

This perspective is intended to flow naturally rather than being imposed. I deeply respect any woman who dares to delve into a deeper understanding of herself. However , I also understand the women who wish to mask their lack of joy and personal and professional fulfilment. 

Potentially this article will open  heart in the direction of transformative growth. Connect with me! I want to hear your story. 

My goal is to maintain an open mind rather than confining myself to narrow viewpoints. You are here to shine and share your gifts; let’s embrace that and take the first step together.


In health

Daria Tiesler



Should you require further assistance with my holistic performance coaching service, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected]