Personalise Your Meditation: A Tool for Authentic Leadership


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Manel Estrada Garcia
Four women sitting in meditation pose, each with a serene expression. This shows the importance of personalise your meditation

Meditation has been a significant part of my life for many years. I believe that personalise your meditation can be a game changer, enhancing the way you lead.

In today’s world, it is not anymore a secret the benefits of meditation. Many practitioners promote meditation, numerous mobile apps and YouTube videos offer guidance, alongside meditation retreats worldwide. Meditation offers numerous benefits for the body and mind, including increased focus, relaxation, improved sleep, and reduced stress levels. These effects contribute to overall well-being and vitality.

All of the benefits highlighted above are key for you to become a better leader and meditation will help you to do just that. A personalised meditation practice is essential, tailored to your needs. Not all meditation types yield desired outcomes; customisation is key.

Understanding personalisation for your meditation

Personalise your meditation is crucial; one size doesn’t fit all. Be mindful and adapt your practice to suit your needs. For instance, doing Breathwork before bed may energise you instead of aiding sleep. Similarly, avoid planning lengthy meditations if you have a busy schedule.

Tailoring your meditation also, needs to take into consideration your preferences and your likes. Do you like to do meditation lying down or sitting down? Do you like to do a body scan meditation, a mantra meditation, or a loving kindness meditation. Everything above needs to be taken care of, as the meditation time needs to be enjoyable and not frustrating. Also, remember that new habits take time to apply and need patience. 

Another factor to take into account are your mental state and your personal goals. Shift your thoughts, feelings, and distractions before diving inward to ensure complete focus on meditation.

Setting Intentions

Setting intentions for meditation is an important part of the process of personalise your meditation; it differs from setting goals. Establishing objectives in meditation is something that can be measurable. For example, aiming to meditate 20 minutes daily or to reduce stress levels through meditation are common goals. While intentions are about the quality of the experience such as I want to cultivate compassion, inner peace or gratitude.

Setting intentions are also personalised to your own needs and values and how you want to be as a leader. It requires bravery, authenticity and being 100 % true to yourself. Furthermore, it requires balancing inner strength and compassion. As a leader, tough decisions demand strength and compassion, both for setting boundaries and for understanding oneself and others.

To set intentions, you’ll need to challenge your limiting beliefs and impostor syndrome. Many women, like yourself, face self-doubt and disempowering thoughts that can undermine inner strength in crucial moments. However, setting intentions through meditation could be challenging your limiting beliefs, cultivating self-confidence and enveloping your worthiness as a leader.

Personalise your meditation by exploring meditation techniques

There are many meditations out there that will help you in your pursuit to be a better woman leader. Each method has unique benefits; the key is to focus on how it unfolds within you, guiding your practice. Everyone can get emotionally challenged by their environment on a daily basis. Is on those moments of challenge that presence is a very important skill to have.  Subsequently, you don’t want to become a victim of your environment, you want to master your environment. 

Meditation fosters present-moment awareness and guides you to choose suitable techniques for your current state. Having a range of techniques can help you to stabilised emotions.

  • Brain Heart coherence meditation: doing this time of mediation, brings coherence between the brain and the heart. Concentration on your heart area is key in this meditation. Additionally you have to think positive thoughts, and visualise images that promote positive emotions within your body.This type of meditation brought more self-compassion towards myself, more feelings of love and relaxation.
  • Mindfulness Meditation: this meditation cultivates to be in the present moment and observe your mind and body without judgement. Why is so important this meditation is because it brings you awareness of what you experience in the present moment, what type of thoughts govern your mind. 
  • Visualisation Meditation: visualisation is a good fit for meditation. It involves seeing yourself having positive outcomes. This type of meditation is good for you as a woman leader because it helps you envision your success, overcoming challenges and  inspiring others as a leader.
  • Body Scan Meditation: this type of meditation helps me to connect with my body if I can see that I am in mind. Additionally, it helps me to feel my body and check if I have any areas of tension that I need to release. For a woman leader like you is an important tool to have to manage stress and promote relaxation.
  • Gratitude meditation: helps you to focus on being grateful for the moments in your life that bring you joy. As a woman leader this type of meditation is important because it can help you to make a shift in your perspective of how you see challenges. Therefore, seeing more opportunities.

Creating rituals to personalise your meditation

Creating rituals in meditation enhances the practice and ensures reaping its benefits. Without these rituals, frustration may arise, potentially leading to abandoning the practice altogether.

Setting up a conducive space is crucial. Find a quiet, comfortable spot free from distractions. Communicate your need for uninterrupted time to those around you.

Establishing a routine is key. Start small and gradually increase the duration. Morning and bedtime are optimal times, but find what suits you best.

Setting intentions guides the purpose of meditation. Choose intentions aligned with your heart, such as cultivating compassion or gratitude.

Selecting techniques is personal. Through practice and self-connection, discover what works best for you. Experiment with different methods.

Engage your senses with soothing music or mindfulness practices like mindful eating or walking.

After meditation, integrate and reflect. Take moments to journal, draw, or check in with your body, allowing insights to emerge.

Harmonise Mind, Body and Spirit

Meditation is a process of integration between your mind, body and spirit. As a woman leader you need a harmonisation process for all your being. Meditation just does that, it improves mental clarity, emotional resilience, physical relaxation and spiritual connection which enhance overall wellbeing.

Another important quality of meditation is that it brings self awareness. This is an important skill as a woman leader, especially because of the amount of decisions you have to take on a daily basis. Additionally can promote healthy and authentic relationships and interactions with your team or in your personal life bringing presence with each conversation you might have with or without any word coming out of your mouth.


  • Meditation offers numerous benefits that enhance well-being and leadership performance, including increased focus, relaxation, and stress reduction.
  • Personalising your meditation practice is crucial for achieving desired outcomes, as one size does not fit all.
  • Setting intentions allows you to cultivate qualities like compassion and inner peace, aligning with your values and leadership style.
  • Exploring various meditation techniques, such as brain-heart coherence, mindfulness, visualisation, body scan, and gratitude meditation, empowers you to address specific needs and challenges.
  • Creating rituals around meditation, including setting up a dedicated space, establishing a routine, and integrating reflection, ensures consistency and maximises the benefits of your practice.
  • Harmonising mind, body, and spirit through meditation promotes holistic well-being, mental clarity, emotional resilience, and spiritual connection, enhancing your effectiveness as a leader.
  • By embracing meditation and personalising your practice, you can tap into your full potential, cultivate authentic leadership, and navigate challenges with grace and clarity.