Holistic Performance for Women: Elevate Your Being and Growth

Holistic Performance for Women: Elevate Your Being and Growth

The vision of bridging the gap in holistic performance for women is not only an exciting venture.  Moreover, it is a way to rediscover your true vibrant potential. 

Since 2018, when a significant event occurred in my personal life, I decided to embrace my deep desires and live my most authentic life. The Quantum Healing have taken a place. There was another moment in my life, that probably was there to bring me awarness – my athletic knee injury in 2004. Howevere, I knew little about consciousness and went rather in depression and complete freeze mode. 

Price you pay for finding yourself

The expenses incurred from deciding to prioritise myself. I had never done this before. The unknown path led me onto a five-year-long self-discovery journey into more conscious living.

Moreover, I had never experienced such a significant transformation from within.

I recall in 2020, while working from home on my business—still a bold idea at the time—many advised me to join networking events hosted by Ungenita Prevost. I remember the day when I felt understood and supported while sharing with the network of driven women about myself and my purpose. Wonderful experience!


I did not realise how much personal growth in my mindset and embodiment would need to occur before I become the woman I had always envisioned. The pile of limiting beliefs about my potential in building my enterprise, were like a mountain I wanted to move aside. Feeling stuck and losing hope in overcoming my intimidating thoughts about my vision and professional success were very strong. However, even today, I need to remind myself of my greatness and my gifts and talents.


When I was a professional athlete, I never felt alone on the path to success. The team around me was always fully supportive, engaging, motivating. The coaches were encouraging me to be my best self. It felt like reaching the sky without limits, where the impossible became attainable. However, when starting my business path, I found myself very alone. Taking off from the ground something, not everyone understands is a challange on it’s own. Furthermore, negative opinion about your chances to make it happen, will bring additonal stress.

You never lose hope because the way to accomplish things will become clear

What I have learned over the past five years is to never lose hope. I needed to trust the whole process. Firstly, the right people will emerge and align with your vision and purpose. Additionally, the natural selection of life will weed out those who only bring noise of discouragement and demotivational disbelief with overwhelming judgement.

In other words, I have experienced an amazing flow of beautiful and supportive people into my life; some of them just appeared out of nowhere. 

I realised that holistic performance for women is something special to my heart.

At the House of Holistic Performance transformation began to take place from February 2023 when I started to work with an amzing Nikki Trott.


I loved being nurture and driven by the expression of full potential of our clients. Sometimes, I still hold a fear that I dream too big. How can I be the leader for a company with such a huge aspiration. Who will listen? Nonetheless, who am I? Undoubtedly, you never lose hope because the way will appear.

Sustainable Elite Mindset comes with Holistic Approach to Performance

What became obvious to me is that my experience from living the life of a high-performing woman brought lots of stress.  An ongoing feeling of never being good enough is like a scar. I decided to heal and transform.  

Firstly, the inner sense of constantly comparing myself and never being at ease. This behaviour was devastating to my health and well-being. Consequently, I guess I would never break the race of life events, which five years ago turned me more towards the holistic creation of my life.

For many ladies who joined our programme “Soulful Empower”, life turned out exactly the same way. They find themselves in complete exhaustion, mental,  physical  and emotional burnout. They connect with us at the state of chronic disease expression or difficult midlife transition with perimenopausal symptoms or onset of menopause. As a result, they feel a complete or partial social withdrawal and loss of identity.  Subsequently, they experience low confidence and mental confusion and anxiaty. 

Most of customers , who reach for  our support, want to take a holistic view for their whole life: body, health, nutrition, relationships, career, mind and seven soul.


For instance, in a study conducted on the Swedish women’s national football team, coaches applied a holistic method of coaching. They were promoting development, sustainable elite performance, well-being, listening, engaging in dialogue, and creating a positive environment for  growth of coachees. 

Here , some coaches share their reflextions on holistic coaching: 

Coach Susan said: I try to work with the wholeness, we’ll help them feel better … So somewhere I take responsibility for the whole person, although we may think that it is their responsibility and this is football. So I think it is important that we take the responsibility and have the conversation, that you are good enough as a human being.


Coach Mary said: When I give the players feedback, my goal is to reach their feelings and their hearts. Watching the video is a perfect method. They can see what is working well. I reinforce with a lot of praise, specific praise: Oh that’s great, look at what you have achieved. They get applause from teammates.

Growth of Holistic Performance for Women

When working with holistic performance method we emphasis on the most hidden gift of the female clients: their intuition and potential of “being” in a flow state. Secondly, unlimited power to create something deeply cherished in their heart. Additionally, by embracing this innovative approach, women can achieve greater satisfaction in their personal and professional lives.

Moving beyond telling 'what is right'

The conscious process of women’s holistic performance is making the entire transformation process even more natural. The connection to the inner purpose becomes more a process of holistic being, rather than a goal to chase. Initially, when we commence working with our clients, we always emphasise the importance of an individual and leadership approach.


At House of Holistic Performance , we are not simply offer an advice. Ultimately, we, in a very professional manner, support our clients in taking control and charge of their lives. Often, our clients come to us with a sense of powerlessness to speak up. We are here to elevate their being by activating their suppress voice from inside. We often refer to the Throat Energy Channel. Also, our past patterns and subconscious mind limits block the deeper and authentic expression of our heart energy channel. 

The expansion of deeper purpose is restrained from inside. The soul is asking for help. 

I refrain from constantly reiterating that the potential lies within. I am aware not everyone was born into the perfect environment supporting the full potential.

However, I am sure you are aware of numerous stories where someone achieved success over time through persistence and resilience. Moreover, I am proud to say that our amazing clients are the ones to watch out for. Often, through tears and sadness, they make decisions to construct a new vision for their lives, regardless of how daunting the task may seem. The process of holistic transformation, supported by holistic performance coaching methods, is an innovative path. It connects women together.

Financial return on investment (ROI) is an unreliable and insufficient measure of coaching success - well-being and engagement is.

You are the one who matters. I become a strong supporter for women who wish to go beyond motherhood. I became a mother very late . I always felt a sense of pressure from society to become mother however, I never wanted motherhood to define me. My ability to fulfil my life’s mission, which is yet to be fully discovered in its essence are depending of me as a creator of my life.


I also work with mothers who do look after children full time. We always address with them  their adequacy and self-worth.

I want to tell you, you are doing a fantastic job and the purpose is pure indeed. You never should feel less.  Being a full time mother or doing both: motherhood and following the career path do not need validation of anyone. You do it what you feels is right for you. Period. Trust me , I have been judged on that.


My deeper desire is to be an example for myself first and foremost. You, do not need any applause of your worth from the outside world. The return on the investment you are making today, by taking a step towards your vision, health and well-being, is going to pay off.


“In today’s world, women represent an opportunity bigger than China and India combined. They control £20 trillion in consumer spending, and that figure could reach £28 trillion in the next five years. Women drive the world economy, in fact”.


I am not sure if you wish to belong to the category of “ Pressure Cooker” mentioned in the Female Economy by Harvard Business Review.

What about creating a very connected relationship and harmony between your inner and outer environment? 


My goal is to become a leader in supporting growth and the full potential for holistic performance for women. 

Feeling shy , about a thought

I often feel shy about a thought of expansion. However, it is just a thought. I will own it without giving a power to it.

I give attention to my actions insted. I let it flow my emotions out of my body. 

Very ambitious and driven women who are joining our community at the House of Holistic Performance are worth every inch of my personal progress. They inspire me to carry on my choosen path. 


One day, my transformational coach asked me, ‘Why NOT YOU, Daria?’


Exactly WHY NOT YOU? Be the next to bring your voice outside.


Moreover, if you need further assistance for the holistic performance process and time-saving solutions for your health and well-being, connect with us and subscribe to our newsletter.



Transformative Growth for Women: Unlock Your Potential

Transformative Growth for Women: Unlock Your Potential

Transformative and holistic growth for women is a topic of huge interest of mine.

I realised there is much opportunity in unlocking the potential of our female clients.  I decided to take the he challange.

Over years, I have observed a trend in mindset of all women, regardless of age: the deeply rooted issues of confidence and self-worth, often coupled with poor health, especially among women in their 40s and 50s plus. These issues have been affecting their relationships, careers, and their ability to perform at the level they desire.

Mantaining performance at work has been affected by the unknow symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause. Often these transition can exclude them from driving to senior positions later in carrer life. 

Transformative Solutions: Empowering Women in Life and Work

My personal journey of growth and inner drive led me to reflect upon the subject of transformative growth.  I wanted to develop a deeper understanding in overcoming the limiting beliefs I held about my ability to create a sustainable business I dreamt about. I wanted that my business not only benefit my customers but also enhance my own life. I have changed by thinking of myself with an integrity. It became a very profoud journey for me and my family.

Breaking Free From Myself

I was determined to break free from the exhausting path that had previously led me to burnout.  

I decided to choose my vision for a holistic life and personal over the past experiences. 

You are chooseing your thoughts. 

I sought an alternative route that would align more closely with my purpose. I wanted to embody my dreams. They have been ingrained in my mind for years. Life success has it a holistic meaning for me and many of our clients.

The concept of achievement and peak performance can often feel daunting. Often, viewed through the lens of femininity, as they are typically associated with masculine energy. Through my own personal experiences, I realise that I too embodied a significant amount of masculine energy and never considered myself particularly “feminine.”

However, this dominance of wounded masculine energy hindered my potential beyond athletic performance.

It was responsible for burnout on multiple occasions and made me feel ashamed of my dreams and accomplishments.

I work with women with similar struggles and it became clear that it was time to address this issue on the bigger scale.

I decided to make the transformative growth for women one of many goals for House of Holistic Performance. 

From perspective of highly performing women on transformative growth

High-performing women,  often fulfill roles as mothers, wives, cherished friends, and daughters, are seeking comprehensive, integrated wellness and transformative growth solutions for both their personal and professional lives. They are on a quest for holistic support and are eager to explore new avenues for their change and holistic success. 

I am one of those women, seeking myself for years. I realised one day ” she is here , within me”. 

Shifting Perspectives: Women as Agents of Change

When I talk about women’s holistic empowerment it does not stem from viewing women as weak and incapable. Rather, it arises from a commitment to supporting women journey towards redefining her life’s vision.

I utilising the term “empowerment” with a clear notion, one understands that applause or permission is unnecessary to empower her’s life. However, when there is a loss of identity, belonging, or confusion about which direction to take, I recognise the potential for supporting one’s path.

Women, often are seekers of approval and validation opposite to men. It arrived time to lift our confidence and validation form inside. 

As I came across a compelling sentence in an article by The Sunday Guardian: “The days of women as ‘homemakers’ have passed,” it instills a sense of ownership in women towards the nation, depicting them not as victims but as agents capable of reshaping the nation in their image.

My perspective is not espoused from a feminist standpoint.  As a mother  I desire to build a nurturing home for my family, while also cherishing my personal aspirations.

I know the path a I have choosen is very dynamic. However, I feel I am a better mother, wife and contributor while I connect to my personal path, more spiritual than ever before. 

Opportunities and Barriers: Navigatig the Path to Transformative Growth

The portrayal of women’s empowerment often revolves around gaining access to opportunities that were previously inaccessible. However, despite strides made, access to these opportunities remains constrained by political, financial, and economic barriers, marking a significant stride towards  fullfiling women’s full potential. 


Sharing this perspective stems from observing numerous women who, despite nurturing families, social circles, and friendships, express a sense of inability to live authentically .  Societal pressure and fear of judgment are a strong contributor limiting women’s potential for transformative growth.

For instance, instead of seeking support from their partners in managing household responsibilities, traditionally assigned to women, they often remain silent. They are pretending all is well, though it comes at the expense of their health and integrity.

A Call for Collaboration: Embracing Masculine Support in Empowerment

If as women we are to truly realise our potential, it’s crucial to acknowledge that we’ve never accomplished everything alone.  Historically, families and communites provided support. Equally important, men should be encouraged to express their nurturing and supportive sides. As an example, paternity leave is just one way to show the gentle change in the mindset of parenting.

The women’s transformative growth must encompass nurturing every aspect of a women life, not solely her participation in workforce.

It requires a conscious decision by women to pursue transformative growth and historical change in the family dynamics.  We need to recognise the importance of healing both feminine and masculine energies.

Prioritising Self-care: Women's Journey to Holistic Wellness

I personally couldn’t be happier upon reading the title in the press release from Euromonitor International: “Women are prioritising health and embracing holistic solutions to take charge of their well-being.” For me, and I suspect for many women, adopting a holistic approach to their own body and health signifies a fantastic step towards unlocking their potential.


Although much remains to be done to achieve this reality for every woman, it marks a promising beginning . It offers hope for a better future in women’s health areas that have never been properly embraced: menopause, peri-menopause, post-menopause, menstrual disregulation, and associated issues, including sexual health and mental well-being. Furthermore, education around the selection of nutritional and exercise planning tailored to women at different life stages is imperative.


As highlighted in the statement, “Vasomotor symptoms and repercussions on the genitourinary, endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous, tegumentary, and bone systems. There are also reflections on the optical, auditory, and gastrointestinal systems. Therefore, women’s health must be viewed holistically” (Women’s Health: A Holistic View), it is evident that a comprehensive perspective is essential in addressing women’s health needs.

Changing Perceptions: Women's Emergence in Male-Dominated Environment

At some point in my career, I worked in a highly male-dominated environment. The “gym environment” has historically been perceived as a male domain. Even today, there remains a noticeable absence of women on the gym floor engaging in weightlifting. However, over the past five years, this outdated perception has been gradually shifting.

Women are realising the benefits of hormonal health and body strenght for their confidence and resilience. Trust me testosterone is a hormone of not just men, but also an importnat health markers for vitality of every women.

Testosterone and Estrogen Combo

Reflecting on my experiences amidst driven men on the gym floor, I can attest to several observations:


Firstly, there exists a strong sense of mutual support regardless of circumstances.


Secondly, the direct and straightforward communication style prevalent in such environments often minimises conflicts and misunderstandings.


Additionally, the drive to improve oneself is celebrated rather than frowned upon.


While qualifications are valued, they are not the sole determinant of progression.

I am writing from a place of deeper potential where ego desolves.

Standing up for yourself either in the male or female driven setting still needs you to be brave for your own authenticity. No time to blame history but time to growth the mindset of women potential.


I have also noticed a cultural shift towards a more inclusive and supportive environment for women. The transformation is primarily driven by women advocating for themselves as equals in the workplace.


When discussing a holistic approach to women in the workplace, it is imperative to recognise that their journey involves continuous growth, rather than solely focusing on perceived injustices. While discrimination towards higher positions is a reality acknowledged by many,  women seizing higher opportunities with the belief in their potential to reach the top. Their success comes from determination and commitment raather then just luck.


Indeed, the journey for women in their careers may be longer and more challenging. Factors such as taking breaks for childbirth,   menstural problems, depression or experiencing burnout and menopause can hinder their ability to fully realise their potential.

Women Workplace: Inclusive and Supportive

I have also noticed a cultural shift towards a more inclusive and supportive environment for women, which takes into account their health and family needs, including maternity leave and support. This transformation is primarily driven by women advocating for themselves as equals in the workplace.


When discussing a holistic approach to women in the workplace, it is imperative to recognise that their journey involves continuous growth, rather than solely focusing on perceived injustices. While discrimination towards higher positions is a reality acknowledged by many, I have also witnessed women seizing opportunities with the belief in their potential to reach the top, rather than merely attributing their success to luck.


Indeed, the journey for women in their careers may be longer and more challenging. Factors such as taking breaks for childbirth,   menstural problems, depression or experiencing burnout and menopausal symptoms in midlife can hinder their ability to fully realise their potential.

Finding Your Voice: Empowering Women to Shine and Share

My intention is to ensure this article doesn’t come across as apolitical or as subscribing to a single ideology – neither leaning left nor right.

Instead, I aspire for it to foster an open-minded conversation about the lifelong journey of a women potential. At House of Holistic Performance we strive to support  their vision and acknowlege to remain true and authentic to their choices.

In my professional and personal path, I consistently seek to embrace a holistic perspective, aiming to broaden the horizons of women with whom I collaborate and work. 

This perspective is intended to flow naturally rather than being imposed. I deeply respect any woman who dares to delve into a deeper understanding of herself. However , I also understand the women who wish to mask their lack of joy and personal and professional fulfilment. 

Potentially this article will open  heart in the direction of transformative growth. Connect with me! I want to hear your story. 

My goal is to maintain an open mind rather than confining myself to narrow viewpoints. You are here to shine and share your gifts; let’s embrace that and take the first step together.


In health

Daria Tiesler



Should you require further assistance with my holistic performance coaching service, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected]


Elevate Your Energy: Transformative Strategies to Prevent Burnout

Elevate Your Energy: Transformative Strategies to Prevent Burnout

Understanding Burnout: Recognising the Signs and Symptoms

Are you tired of feeling burnt out? If so, I understand exactly how you feel. Burnout can creep up on us without us even realizing it. I used to push myself to the limit, thinking that being a high performer meant sacrificing my well-being. But after experiencing burnout not once, but twice, I knew something had to change. That’s when I asked myself a crucial question: Can I achieve my goals and dreams while still taking care of my health and sanity?

I invite you to join me on a holistic journey to prevent burnout and transform your mindset. Through this exploration, you’ll discover valuable strategies to elevate your energy and regain control of your life. Say goodbye to burnout and hello to a healthier, more balanced you.

What does burnout mean?

“(Burnout is) … an erosion of the soul caused by a deterioration of one’s values, dignity, spirit and will.” ( Christina Maslach)

Burnout is a result of chronic work stress affecting the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual self.

3 main symptoms of burnout by Christina Maslach

  1. Emotional and physical exhaustion – characterised by the shallow energy 

“I’m not sure how much longer I can keep going like this.” 


2. Depersonalisation – so-called “ “compassion fatigue” – you are emotionally unavailable for anyone, for example, your clients or workmates. 


3. Decreased Personal and Professional Achievements / Lack of Efficacy – you question your work purpose

“What’s the use? My work doesn’t serve a purpose anyway.”


Research has shown that the lack of efficacy symptoms affects men less than women.


Burnout happens over time, and it is more a chronic condition. When you are in the burnout spiral and fail to recognise the symptoms ahead of time, it can crush you quickly when the additional trigger affects your personal or professional life.

What Causes Burnout?

1. Poor nutrition and lifestyle choices such as lack of exercise, poor sleep quality, lack of rest 

2. Lack of emotional self-care 

“You make energy deposits here by maintaining healthy relationships with the people you love – your friends and immediate family.

3. Loss of personal and professional purpose .

5 Ways to prevent burnout with the Holistic Performance Method?

1. Take action to improve your energy balance

Do you know about the concept of energy balance? If you’ve ever tried counting calories or following a restricted diet, you may have heard of it in the context of weight loss. The idea is to balance the calories you consume with the calories you burn to achieve desired results.

Moreover, various factors like work stress, unexpected life events, women’s health concerns, body image issues, career changes, relationship difficulties, pregnancy, financial constraints and managing family responsibilities can all have a negative impact on your energy balance.


As a result, you might not be able to maintain a positive balance by bringing in enough energy, burnout may eventually set in.
Consequently, try the following energy building practice:

 Start with a 5-minute breathing exercise or a 15-minute walk in nature during your lunch break. This is a simple, effortless, and effective way to incorporate a holistic transformation routine.

2. Discover the transformative power of nutrition.

Nutrition is a forgotten gem that can unlock your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Consider the profound impact a nourishing meal can have on female hormonal health.

Unfortunately, many executive, professional, and ambitious women neglect their eating habits. It’s no surprise, really. In the hustle and bustle of life, cooking and meal preparation often take a backseat.

But ask yourself, why does self-care take a backseat in your life?

Are you lacking love and compassion for yourself?

Imagine the possibilities if you brought more empathy, forgiveness, and self-care into your routine. Your work performance could skyrocket as your memory sharpens, those extra kilos melt away, and your confidence soars. With newfound energy, you’ll become an unstoppable force in both your personal and professional life.

The challenge lies in breaking free from old habits that no longer serve you. Just as you devote attention to your work, it’s time to prioritize yourself. The choice is yours.

Take the first step today and embark on a transformative journey with our foundational programs. Unlock a path to self-discovery and transform your health, life, and performance.

3. Nourish healthy lifestyle choices through education.


In a world flooded with countless messages on social media, it is crucial to take personal responsibility for discerning truth from falsehood. Empower yourself by no longer blindly trusting Instagram feeds, Facebook stories, or the narrow perspectives of health and fitness magazines.

Instead, make informed judgments and seek out health prevention providers who are eager to educate and offer the best resources. Your health choices have a direct impact on your actions, so strive to make the best decisions possible to avoid burnout.

4. Discover the stressors that drain your positive energy and take steps to minimize their impact.


Are you aware of the internal and external factors that weigh you down?


Perhaps it’s time to take stock of the stressors in your life that have the potential to burn you out. Is it your boss, coworker, partner, the food you consume, the alcohol you drink, or toxic relationships?

Or maybe it’s a combination of them all?

If you’re feeling drained and lacking motivation, consider these three techniques to boost your self-awareness of stressors.



1. Over the next 21 days, keep a journal – each evening, jot down what energized you and what drained you. When anxiety arises, pay close attention to where it manifests in your body – whether it’s in your chest, arms, or head. This can help you identify areas where stored energy may need to be released.


2. Try incorporating a Body Scan exercise into your routine.


3. Lastly, be mindful of the food choices you make, as stress and pressure often lead women to opt for simple carbohydrate-based meals.

5. Search for new and creative ways to regenerate your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy.

I genuinely love this one!

Executive and driven women often forget about the female side of their persona.

The constant drive to achieve, fulfill, and support others, families responsabilities and friends commitments, imbalances the feminine self – the flow part, where we trust the process rather than keep actively working on it, till we feel tiered  and exausted and lose of sense of self.

I understand deeply that the process of allowing and connecting the masculine and feminine is ongoing and does not come straight. However, once you catch the wind you will sail with more focus and sens of inner direction. 


Dropping your attention into the creative part will help you balance between masculine energy that wishes to achieve and feminine energy that wishes to flow and create.

Think of bringing some creative activities into your daily wellness practice. What about painting, dancing, reading, photography, drawing, gardening, going to the spa and having an aromatherapy massage or acupuncture to restore the energy flow.

I hope those simple holistic tips will help you avoid burnout at work and in your personal life. You can also read more on the personal growth and how to embarce ultimate power of self-compassion to transform your life




Embrace The Ultimate Power Of Self-Compassion To Transform Your Life

Embrace The Ultimate Power Of Self-Compassion To Transform Your Life

Embrace the profound concept of self-compassion in this thought-provoking blog post. Reflect on your emotions and thoughts as you delve into the significance of nurturing kindness towards oneself.

Last week, I came across an inspiring video by Mike Robbins, a distinguished American author and speaker, where he explored the essence of self-empathy. Robbins highlighted the deficiency many face in this regard, emphasizing that unlocking this quality within can set the stage for life to unfold harmoniously, aligning with a greater purpose. Witness the transformative effects as you integrate this compassionate perspective into your journey, following the course of your life’s unfolding “Master Plan.”

Exploring the Transformative Power of Self-Compassion: A Deep Dive

Compassion, an inherent quality within us all, prompts a desire to assist and guide others in times of need. You’ve likely experienced this inclination numerous times, perhaps sensing it in situations where the urge arose but went unexpressed. Occasionally, despite harboring this compassionate inclination, we hesitate to take tangible actions, uncertain about the impact on our ego’s well-being and the stability of our comfort zone, fearing potential reactions from others.

Nurturing Self-Compassion: Overcoming Negative Thoughts

Discover the realm of self-compassion as you reflect on past situations, recognizing the inherent compassion within you. However, delve deeper; is there any empathy directed towards yourself? If your response tends towards the negative, you’re not alone; many share this absence of self-kindness. While extending empathy to others comes naturally, the art of self-compassion often eludes us. Is it because self-compassion is a skill, and most of us have yet to master it? Coupled with the revelation that 80% of our daily thoughts tend towards negativity, finding room for positivity and self-kindness becomes a challenge.

Cultivating Self-Compassion: A Guide to Better Health and Well-Being

Self-compassion plays a crucial role in supporting better health, particularly when examining its impact on our response to stress. To comprehend this, it’s essential to explore how our bodies react during periods of stress. In the contemporary environment, characterized by numerous stressors, our bodies often adapt, and the effects may not be immediately apparent. Unlike the primal response of needing to flee from a wild animal, today’s stressors are more nuanced. However, the innate fight and flight mechanism is still deeply embedded in our nervous system, specifically within the amygdala and hippocampus. Understanding the connection between self-compassion and our physiological reactions to stress allows us to cultivate a healthier approach to overall well-being.

The Impact of Self-Compassion on Stress Response and Overall Wellness

Self-compassion is crucial, especially when considering the impact of being excessively strict with ourselves. Engaging in self-criticism activates the sympathetic nervous system, triggering the “fight and flight response.” This, in turn, elevates heart rate, boosts blood sugar, increases cortisol levels (the stress hormone), heightens muscle tension, and hinders the functioning of the immune and digestive systems. The body reacts as if preparing to confront or escape a threat, directing blood flow to the muscles. It’s important to recognize that by lacking self-compassion and perpetuating untrue narratives, we unintentionally subject our bodies to these stress-inducing responses.

Breaking Free from Self-Criticism: The Role of Self-Compassion

What occurs when we consistently harbor negative thoughts about ourselves? We inadvertently trigger an overstimulation of the fight and flight response, leading to potential detrimental issues, including immune problems, digestive issues, insomnia, and memory and cognitive problems due to the loss of neurotransmitters and more. However, embracing self-compassion can bring about positive changes. A study conducted by Shapira & Mongrain in 2010 explored self-compassion and optimism in individuals, revealing that those who practiced self-compassion experienced heightened happiness and a significant reduction in depression within just a few months, all without the use of medications.

Self-Compassion and Well-Being: Insights from Research Studies

Upon delving into the literature on self-compassion, I was taken aback by the abundance of studies dedicated to this topic. It’s remarkable that a significant majority of these studies indicate a positive correlation between self-compassion and navigating challenging life situations. Whether facing divorce, chronic pain, child maltreatment, exam failures, or various other adversities, individuals practicing self-compassion consistently exhibit an enhanced ability to pass through these difficulties. Remarkably, the application of self-compassion not only aids in overcoming discomfort but also contributes to an overall increase in well-being.

Activating Self-Mercy: A Crucial Step Towards a Healthier You

Now, you may be contemplating whether you desire to cultivate more self-compassion within yourself. It’s essential to recognize that even unspoken words wield significant power, capable of eliciting various emotional responses that can deplete your energy. A pivotal aspect to address in this journey is the language employed when dealing with yourself, particularly in moments of mistakes or when undertaking new challenges.

Harnessing Positive Energy: A Daily Exercise for Self-Compassion

Allow me to propose a straightforward self-help exercise that you might find beneficial: jot down all the positive actions you’ve taken throughout the day before bedtime. I also encourage you to accompany these reflections with positive emotions linked to those accomplishments. By infusing these moments with positive energy, your body will register them as favorable experiences, fostering the growth of self-compassion within you.

I hope I gave you some refreshing insight and would like to wish you a very positive and self-growth year of 2024!


Yours in Health, Growth and Compassion,



Reclaim Joy: Free Yourself, Embrace Unfiltered Authenticity

Reclaim Joy: Free Yourself, Embrace Unfiltered Authenticity

Discovering Authenticity Amidst Life’s Roles – A Personal Tale of Liberation

Amidst society’s “midlife crisis,” realising life transcends judgment, the authentic voice contends with opinions. Honest client talks highlight openness, freedom, and empowerment. Recognising not all applaud straightforwardness, holistic growth is staying true to oneself. In this journey, societal expectations clash with personal authenticity, finding solace in self-acceptance. Navigating conflicting dynamics, I’m reminded authenticity is a continuous self-discovery. Embracing my genuine self reveals transformative vulnerability, unlocking deeper connections. This narrative breaks free from norms, embracing the richness of authentic living. Ultimately, a personal tale serves as a testament to the liberating journey of self-discovery amid life’s complexities.


Unveiling the People-Pleaser’s Mask: A Journey to Self-Discovery


For the better part of my life, I’ve been a people-pleaser, constantly seeking approval from others. The echoes of my mother’s words, “You are a good girl,” lingered. Recently, I’ve come to the realisation that this image was never truly me. In fact, I crave kindness over niceness, desiring integrity in relationships without compromising my identity. Embracing this truth within myself is one thing; however, embodying a new version of me, setting boundaries, and saying no more often has proven to be a more challenging task than I could have imagined.


3 Daily Rituals of Holistic Transformation: A Blueprint to Healthier and Authentic Living

1. Embracing Self-Authenticity: Prioritising Truth over ‘Good Girl’ Expectations

In the journey towards self-discovery, the realization hit hard – pleasing everyone and conforming to the “good girl” image never served me. Consequently, it hindered genuine life experiences, profoundly impacted relationships, and detrimentally affected my health. Moreover, embracing what I no longer want to be for everyone has become the top priority. This process is not merely a transformation; it’s an emotional unraveling, a profound commitment to my own truth.


2. Me Time: A Path to Taking Care of Yourself and Finding Happiness

For many women, finding time for themselves is a real struggle. Breaking free from toxic friendships and unnecessary stress isn’t selfish; it’s about taking care of yourself. Doing things that help you grow and feel good isn’t just a choice – it’s crucial for your happiness. This intentional ‘Me Time’ isn’t just a luxury; it’s a way to take a break, nurture yourself, and reconnect with what makes you happy.

But here’s the thing: while reflecting on the past is important, taking action now is even more valuable. Instead of letting the past define you, taking steps towards a better future is way more effective and brings long-lasting results. It’s about seizing the present, moving away from past challenges, and steering towards a more empowered and fulfilling tomorrow.


3. Prioritising Based on Values: Crafting a Purpose-Driven Life

In the midst of life’s demands, it’s common to feel overwhelmed by an endless to-do list. However, by shifting our perspective, we can make this process more manageable. Start by prioritising tasks based on their current importance. Aligning your daily life with your values is crucial; recognising that everything can’t be done at once fosters a sense of focus. While sacrifices might be necessary, making health and integrity non-negotiable serves as a powerful anchor. This approach isn’t just about completing tasks; it’s about crafting a purpose-driven life. This journey resonates with your core values, creating a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.


Balancing Life’s Roles: Juggling Motherhood, Marriage, and Work with Strength

Can this journey be navigated while simultaneously juggling motherhood, marriage, work, or any other aspect of your life? Absolutely. It’s in these roles that these practices become most crucial. Instead of carrying the weight of guilt and shame, let’s empower ourselves by viewing each step as a stepping stone, strengthening connections with family, improving relationships, and fostering more vitality and joy. It’s about finding harmony in our diverse roles, embracing the challenges, and discovering the inner strength to navigate this beautiful journey.


Taking Charge of Your Wellbeing: Escaping the Clutches of Burnout


Health tends to seize our attention only when it’s almost too late. Burnout, that unwelcome companion, becomes an unfortunate reality. Having personally faced it twice, I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. However, the uplifting news is that a proactive approach can propel you forward – serving as a beacon of hope in reclaiming your vitality and steering clear of the pitfalls of burnout. In essence, this proactive approach is not merely about avoiding burnout but is also a pathway towards cultivating resilience and embracing a holistic well-being. As you embark on this journey, you’ll discover that prioritising your health isn’t just a precaution; it’s a transformative process that empowers you to navigate life’s challenges with vitality and purpose.


