Holistic Performance for Women: Elevate Your Being and Growth


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Daria Tiesler

The vision of bridging the gap in holistic performance for women is not only an exciting venture.  Moreover, it is a way to rediscover your true vibrant potential. 

Since 2018, when a significant event occurred in my personal life, I decided to embrace my deep desires and live my most authentic life. The Quantum Healing have taken a place. There was another moment in my life, that probably was there to bring me awarness – my athletic knee injury in 2004. Howevere, I knew little about consciousness and went rather in depression and complete freeze mode. 

Price you pay for finding yourself

The expenses incurred from deciding to prioritise myself. I had never done this before. The unknown path led me onto a five-year-long self-discovery journey into more conscious living.

Moreover, I had never experienced such a significant transformation from within.

I recall in 2020, while working from home on my business—still a bold idea at the time—many advised me to join networking events hosted by Ungenita Prevost. I remember the day when I felt understood and supported while sharing with the network of driven women about myself and my purpose. Wonderful experience!


I did not realise how much personal growth in my mindset and embodiment would need to occur before I become the woman I had always envisioned. The pile of limiting beliefs about my potential in building my enterprise, were like a mountain I wanted to move aside. Feeling stuck and losing hope in overcoming my intimidating thoughts about my vision and professional success were very strong. However, even today, I need to remind myself of my greatness and my gifts and talents.


When I was a professional athlete, I never felt alone on the path to success. The team around me was always fully supportive, engaging, motivating. The coaches were encouraging me to be my best self. It felt like reaching the sky without limits, where the impossible became attainable. However, when starting my business path, I found myself very alone. Taking off from the ground something, not everyone understands is a challange on it’s own. Furthermore, negative opinion about your chances to make it happen, will bring additonal stress.

You never lose hope because the way to accomplish things will become clear

What I have learned over the past five years is to never lose hope. I needed to trust the whole process. Firstly, the right people will emerge and align with your vision and purpose. Additionally, the natural selection of life will weed out those who only bring noise of discouragement and demotivational disbelief with overwhelming judgement.

In other words, I have experienced an amazing flow of beautiful and supportive people into my life; some of them just appeared out of nowhere. 

I realised that holistic performance for women is something special to my heart.

At the House of Holistic Performance transformation began to take place from February 2023 when I started to work with an amzing Nikki Trott.


I loved being nurture and driven by the expression of full potential of our clients. Sometimes, I still hold a fear that I dream too big. How can I be the leader for a company with such a huge aspiration. Who will listen? Nonetheless, who am I? Undoubtedly, you never lose hope because the way will appear.

Sustainable Elite Mindset comes with Holistic Approach to Performance

What became obvious to me is that my experience from living the life of a high-performing woman brought lots of stress.  An ongoing feeling of never being good enough is like a scar. I decided to heal and transform.  

Firstly, the inner sense of constantly comparing myself and never being at ease. This behaviour was devastating to my health and well-being. Consequently, I guess I would never break the race of life events, which five years ago turned me more towards the holistic creation of my life.

For many ladies who joined our programme “Soulful Empower”, life turned out exactly the same way. They find themselves in complete exhaustion, mental,  physical  and emotional burnout. They connect with us at the state of chronic disease expression or difficult midlife transition with perimenopausal symptoms or onset of menopause. As a result, they feel a complete or partial social withdrawal and loss of identity.  Subsequently, they experience low confidence and mental confusion and anxiaty. 

Most of customers , who reach for  our support, want to take a holistic view for their whole life: body, health, nutrition, relationships, career, mind and seven soul.


For instance, in a study conducted on the Swedish women’s national football team, coaches applied a holistic method of coaching. They were promoting development, sustainable elite performance, well-being, listening, engaging in dialogue, and creating a positive environment for  growth of coachees. 

Here , some coaches share their reflextions on holistic coaching: 

Coach Susan said: I try to work with the wholeness, we’ll help them feel better … So somewhere I take responsibility for the whole person, although we may think that it is their responsibility and this is football. So I think it is important that we take the responsibility and have the conversation, that you are good enough as a human being.


Coach Mary said: When I give the players feedback, my goal is to reach their feelings and their hearts. Watching the video is a perfect method. They can see what is working well. I reinforce with a lot of praise, specific praise: Oh that’s great, look at what you have achieved. They get applause from teammates.

Growth of Holistic Performance for Women

When working with holistic performance method we emphasis on the most hidden gift of the female clients: their intuition and potential of “being” in a flow state. Secondly, unlimited power to create something deeply cherished in their heart. Additionally, by embracing this innovative approach, women can achieve greater satisfaction in their personal and professional lives.

Moving beyond telling 'what is right'

The conscious process of women’s holistic performance is making the entire transformation process even more natural. The connection to the inner purpose becomes more a process of holistic being, rather than a goal to chase. Initially, when we commence working with our clients, we always emphasise the importance of an individual and leadership approach.


At House of Holistic Performance , we are not simply offer an advice. Ultimately, we, in a very professional manner, support our clients in taking control and charge of their lives. Often, our clients come to us with a sense of powerlessness to speak up. We are here to elevate their being by activating their suppress voice from inside. We often refer to the Throat Energy Channel. Also, our past patterns and subconscious mind limits block the deeper and authentic expression of our heart energy channel. 

The expansion of deeper purpose is restrained from inside. The soul is asking for help. 

I refrain from constantly reiterating that the potential lies within. I am aware not everyone was born into the perfect environment supporting the full potential.

However, I am sure you are aware of numerous stories where someone achieved success over time through persistence and resilience. Moreover, I am proud to say that our amazing clients are the ones to watch out for. Often, through tears and sadness, they make decisions to construct a new vision for their lives, regardless of how daunting the task may seem. The process of holistic transformation, supported by holistic performance coaching methods, is an innovative path. It connects women together.

Financial return on investment (ROI) is an unreliable and insufficient measure of coaching success - well-being and engagement is.

You are the one who matters. I become a strong supporter for women who wish to go beyond motherhood. I became a mother very late . I always felt a sense of pressure from society to become mother however, I never wanted motherhood to define me. My ability to fulfil my life’s mission, which is yet to be fully discovered in its essence are depending of me as a creator of my life.


I also work with mothers who do look after children full time. We always address with them  their adequacy and self-worth.

I want to tell you, you are doing a fantastic job and the purpose is pure indeed. You never should feel less.  Being a full time mother or doing both: motherhood and following the career path do not need validation of anyone. You do it what you feels is right for you. Period. Trust me , I have been judged on that.


My deeper desire is to be an example for myself first and foremost. You, do not need any applause of your worth from the outside world. The return on the investment you are making today, by taking a step towards your vision, health and well-being, is going to pay off.


“In today’s world, women represent an opportunity bigger than China and India combined. They control £20 trillion in consumer spending, and that figure could reach £28 trillion in the next five years. Women drive the world economy, in fact”.


I am not sure if you wish to belong to the category of “ Pressure Cooker” mentioned in the Female Economy by Harvard Business Review.

What about creating a very connected relationship and harmony between your inner and outer environment? 


My goal is to become a leader in supporting growth and the full potential for holistic performance for women. 

Feeling shy , about a thought

I often feel shy about a thought of expansion. However, it is just a thought. I will own it without giving a power to it.

I give attention to my actions insted. I let it flow my emotions out of my body. 

Very ambitious and driven women who are joining our community at the House of Holistic Performance are worth every inch of my personal progress. They inspire me to carry on my choosen path. 


One day, my transformational coach asked me, ‘Why NOT YOU, Daria?’


Exactly WHY NOT YOU? Be the next to bring your voice outside.


Moreover, if you need further assistance for the holistic performance process and time-saving solutions for your health and well-being, connect with us and subscribe to our newsletter.

